Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Opening sequence ideas

Idea one:
The location for this idea would be in a old town village.

The introduction for this scene would be many short clips shown at a fast pace, of dark images of the nearby village, the village would be shown as empty and deserted. However we wouldn't produce footage that was too scary or horrific because we don't want it to appear as a horror. The sequence would then cut back to an establishing shot of a deserted house shown at a much slower pace.

The narrative of the opening would be introducing the setting and characters that it is focused on. We would use high pitched fast music to compliment and link in with the fast paced editing.

Idea Two:
The location of our second idea would be a graveyard in shelford, a local village. This location would be good, because it has a long path leading up to it as well.  Our editing would consist of slower takes on the footage because we want to make the focus be on the long windy path, however our pace of editing would speed up as our detective characters would approach the area of the graveyard. This would imply there was going to be where most of the action would take place in the film. Our sound would be screechy and slow, because we have violins playing.

Idea three:
Our third idea would be set in a dark housing estate it would be the subgenera of a crime thriller.

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